Sunday, June 14, 2020

Be yourself!

Don't pretend to be who you are not just to like the others. That is a huge mistake. Sooner or later you will be frustrated, so be authentic and you will be happier.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Governments give and take

Here's a very interesting statement found in one of the renowned Hong Kong protests (originally quoted by Thomas Jefferson):

"A government big enough to give its people everything they want is also a government big enough to take away from its people everything they have."

This reflection gives food for thought especially during these difficult corona times we are living all over the world.

Are the citizen rights being respected?
Do we know the truth behind the scenes?
What or who caused this pandemic? Was the virus transmitted from animals or is this rather a geopolitical game played by the most powerful nations in the world?
Are the media revealing the truth or rather hiding information from us?
Are the published figures reliable?

Many open questions and surely many theories trying to find a explanation to all of this chaos. What is your opinion? I'd love to hear it, drop a message and let's open a debate.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

You're the Most Important One!

Hello guys! Here's a reflection I found on Twitter (@JetLi) which I would like to share with you:

"You are killing yourself for a job that would replace you within a week if you dropped dead. Take care of yourself"

The truth is, many employees are working their ass off to maintain their jobs since this is their only way for them to make ends meet. But it's sadly true that neither you nor I are essential and could be quickly replaced given the case. I have personally experienced this, since I unexpectedly had to fly home in February for some severe reason (and letting the company know about it with very short notice) and still my work was quickly re-distributed in the team so that the company would not notice my absence. 

Maybe it is time for you to realize that it might be wise to also have a plan B, in case the company decided to make you redundant regardless of the reason or just to have another source of income which allows you to live more relieved. Please take this phrase into consideration because no-one will care about your health more than you, certainly not the company either.

Are you wondering what you can do to generate additional sources of income? If yes, let me know and I'll write posts to this interesting post.

What are your thoughts about this quote above? I'm keen to read your opinion and exchange some thoughts, have a nice day!

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

What Makes Relationships Work?

What makes a relationship work is things in common, what makes it passionate is things being different (Tony Robbins).

Check his piece of advice on the 3-minute video below:

Friday, March 27, 2020

10 Steps to Achieving Anything You Want (by Jim Rohn)

1) PURPOSE -> you need a vision and goals
2) SELF-CONFIDENCE -> Feel good about yourself, you did your best
3) ENTHUSIASM (mostly inside)
4) EXPERTISE -> do the best you can, excel!
5) PREPARATION -> get ready to grab opportunities
6) SELF-RELIANCE -> you are responsible for your acts!
7) IMAGE (the way people see you -> are you in control of your life?, the way you dress, talk, think...)
8) CHARACTER -> becoming a person of principles
9) SELF-DISCIPLINE -> Being committed
10) EXTRAORDINARY PERFORMANCE -> You must do extraordinary things to achieve extraordinary results

Sunday, March 15, 2020

My interview finally released!!

Today I am delighted to say that I have been interviewed by my fellow achiever and friend Gloria and the interview has been published on her blog "The Keeper of the Fire". I provide some interesting insights about mindset and my background, I hope it can be enriching. Enjoy it and let me know about your thoughts, stay safe!

Here's the link to that recorded interview --> <--